Sunday, February 24, 2008

The Start of a New Week

Hi Everyone,
I hope everyone had a wonderul Sunday. I hope you had a restful day a day to spend with your family. I am still looking for some type of job to do from home but I have decided not to dwell on it this week. I have a couple of friends who have given me some info on direct selling products. I hope to review it this week. I am hoping to be really focused on organizing this week so I think that I will start with reorganizing my kitchen. I seemed to get sidetracked really easily but I just have to stay focused. I will use one of the flyladies tips and just do it in 15 minute increments.
I really enjoyed church today we were studying about Gods grace in the church service and I don't think we will ever completly understand Gods grace what we have been given through that grace. I love my church, my pastor, my Sunday School class and all the friends I have in there. I love the way you can feel so much like a family when your fellowshiping with other christians. I hope you have a good Monday and I would love to hear from you.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

I am interested in modesty, womens health, nutrition, beauty. I am striving to live a more simple life. I am looking to do some type of a job from home. I have and still am looking at doing data entry jobs and I have done one but they are really few and far between. I homeschool my youngest and whatever I do I don't want my family to feel neglected. I have done some of the MLM home businesses for women in the past but really did not work them as they should be worked. I have become friends with a women who does one of these and has spoked to me about trying it again. I am feeling very conflicted about this and yes I have prayed about it but still have know definite answer I have spoken to my husband and children still without a definite answer. Can anyone out there give me any insight into this or do you have any ideas for businesses for Christian women from home Thanks and please leave me a comment.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentines Day

I hope you are having a great Valentines Day. I have been reading different blogs recently and one I was directed to from another one was talking about how are bodies were made for work. How complacent and inactive we as a whole have become. I know for me that is so true. We have all the newest things to make our lives easier yet we are still stressed. We have remotes for the tv so we don't have to get up, we have dishwashers, microwaves, vacuum cleaners all these things to help make life easier but do they really. I know for me I don't move enough we should not have idle hands we need to be doing productive things with our lives our days. I know for me this really got me thinking. I am a big procrastonator when it comes to house cleaning or really anything that is not my favorite but I just need to do it no excuses. I also think that as ladies we should try everyday to look nice and take pride in our appearance. I know I also could do better in this department it not only helps our outlook on life but it is somthing we can do for our husbands and family. These are just some random thoughts if any of them spoke to you leave me a comment.

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Spiritual Gifts

I hope everyone has had a good week. My family had a good week but a hectic one. I have found some great new blogs on simple living, on organization, modesty, femininity alot of the things I am really interested in. If you search hard enough you can probably find a blog on just about any subject. I was at a meeting today at my church it was a small group of women but we are women on a mission we want to seek God and his will for this group and the Bible promises if we seek him he will be found. Praise the Lord he will be found. God is not ever hidden from us we just need to seek him with our whole hearts. I am also doing a precept Bible study on Tuesday's it is on our spiritual gifts. I so much enjoy precept studies and we are blessed at our church with Godly women who are willing to be used by God to facilitate these studies for us. We have so many things to be thankful for and our churches and the body of Christ that we are a part of is a major one. We all serve a part in the body what part do you feel. We are all called to be workers for God he has blessed each one of us with special gifts which are meant to be used in the body we all have a place and we are all just as important to God as someone else.
It is important for all of us to ask God to show us or reveal to us what spiritual gift we have so we know how to best serve God in our church body.
I hope everyone has a blessed week.

Friday, February 1, 2008

Weight Loss

Tonight I have really come to the end of my rope. I am tired of eating junk its my own fault I love sweets and I love to make baked goods. I weigh more now than I have every weighed and I need to get a handle on my addiction to sugar. Can anyone suggest a way of weaning off the stuff I am not really thrilled with fake sugars. I need some ideas on how to eat healthier. I am very interested in nutrition and I want to fill my temple with healthy good food. I have some picky eaters in my house but I feel we all need a change. I am also trying to look at my whole self I am 43 what are somethings that I should be doing as far as skincare etc. I have started walking on the treadmill for about 20 minutes a day but I would like to try pilates and work on my core does anyone have any suggestions of dvd's or tapes that are good. I am about 25 pds. more than I want to be its not morbidly obese but my bmi is to high for my body size. Anyway I just felt like venting and would appreciate any suggestions anyone would like to post.