Saturday, April 24, 2010

Stormy Weather

Yes, we are having some rough weather today. It makes for a nice day to just get cozy with a book and hang out inside. I still have a few things that need to get done number 1 being I have to get to the grocery store at some point before 3:30 when my dear hubby needs the car to go to work. If the weather could just hold off for a little bit so I could get my errands done then everything will be fine. We have been going through some trying times in our family at present but we are putting our trust and faith in Jesus to see us through. We covet your prayers my husband has found a job and I am trying to either get my Premier Jewelry Business back up and running or find some par time work in order to bring in some much needed extra income. I hope today finds you and your family doing well.

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